Regio:17 Locatienummer:5 Kasteel Medler: Eén van de kastelen uit de kastelenroute rondom de plaats Vorden. Al in 1483 wordt melding gemaakt van het goed Medler als bezitting van fam. van Hackfort. In 1530 wordt het verkocht aan Michiel van Eck en zijn echtgenote Maria van Munster, die vermoedelijk de oudste ‘adellijke woning’ lieten bouwen. Het…
* february 24, 2013: Regional Art-day, Zutphen
February 24, 2013, Ineke was chosen thirdly by the public and an expert jury at the regional art-day at Zutphen.
* Looking back at the Art Days 2011, November 2011, Oude Kerk (Old Church), Amsterdam
With approximately 300 exhibiting artists at seven different locations in the Netherlands, more than 9,000 visitors, a large number of sold works and a high appreciation of the exhibited art, the Art Days 2011 were a great success. The election which is connected to the Art Days, proved to be highly valued. The essence…